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Hazard Resource Page Example: Mental Health & Addiction

Mental health issues – in particular opioid addiction and suicide – are impacting construction workers at alarming rates. Rates of both opioid use and suicides have risen dramatically throughout the US over the past several years, and studies have shown that these are areas of particular concern for the construction industry.[1][2]

Click here to find information and resources about opioid deaths, prevention, and pain management alternatives.

Click here to find resources to help organizations and individuals understand suicide prevention, start a conversation, and play a role in supporting friends, co-workers and family members. If you or someone you know needs immediate help, please use the lifeline information on the right-hand side of this page.

CPWR also has a Toolbox Talk on workplace stress available in English and Spanish:
Workplace Stress
Estrés en el Trabajo

[1] Centers for Disease Control. Opioid Overdose: Understanding the Epidemic. https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/epidemic/index.html (accessed November 2019)

[2] SafeBuild Alliance. Mental Health & Suicide Prevention. http://safebuildalliance.com/resources/mental-health-suicide-prevention (accessed September 2019)